
Who are you

I wanted to jump right into this blog by writing out posts of my current successes and failures, diets, workouts, etc. However; I would like to tell you a little bit more about myself before I share with you how I got to where I am now. Fitness is something that has always been an escape for me. Growing up, I played every sport there was to play in school (except maybe football). In grade school I was on the volleyball team, basketball team, soccer team and softball team as soon as I was eligible, as well as karate lessons on the side. Moving on to high school I played volleyball, soccer, basketball and I was also on the swim team. It didn't matter what team you were on, or if you got along with every person.. when it came down to the game everyone encouraged and work together toward a common goal. Nearing the end of my high school career our sports teams got taken away from us and I guess you could say this is where things started to go downhill.  In grade school, I was bu